The only thing better than returning from your honeymoon to open all of your wedding gifts . . .
is returning to your storage place THREE YEARS LATER only to re-open over a third of your unused, unopened, untouched wedding gifts!
This Memorial Day Weekend, we made our way to Holdenville, America for an annual family reunion. As we've been planning and preparing for our move to Ames, OK, we've been looking forward to picking up "the few" wedding gifts that we temporarily left home when we moved into our HUT. . . err . . . eh em . . . pardon me . . . our Student Village apartment at SWBTS ;) You know what I'm sayin'!
Anyhow, three years can really work over a person's memory! When we opened Whit's Grandma's garage, we were quickly struck with the realization that we had left many of our wedding gifts behind simply because our apartment couldn't hold everything! Here are some of the items we'd left behind, but are now greatly looking forward to using in our "new" home in Ames!